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Thread #115647   Message #2478916
Posted By: GUEST,Alf
29-Oct-08 - 08:36 AM
Thread Name: Tech: The times they are a changing ?
Subject: RE: Tech: The times they are a changing ?
The times they are a changing indeed ! So pleased to see the BBC finaly dealt with these two creeps.

Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand have been suspended in the wake of the scandal over their lewd calls to Fawlty Towers star Andrew Sachs.

BBC Director General Mark Thompson, said: "This is not a marginal case. It's clear from the views expressed by the public that this broadcast has caused severe offence and I share that view.

"This gross lapse of taste by the performers and the production team has angered licence payers."

The granddaughter of Sachs has called for the pair to be sacked.

Georgina Baillie, 23, said she may make an official complaint to police about Brand's prank radio show phonecalls to her grandfather.

The BBC has received more than 18,000 complaints over a broadcast on October 18 in which the two presenters rang up Sachs and left messages on his answerphone in which Brand said he had slept with Miss Baillie.

Ross, 47, suggested the veteran actor Sachs might kill himself when he listened to the message.

Miss Baillie, who dances in a burlesque troop called Satanic Sluts, told The Sun: "What's funny about humiliating a lovely old man who has never harmed anyone in his life?

"My grandfather is really upset and says he wants the whole situation to end.

"I will be speaking to him to ask whether we should complain to the police and we'll be making the decision as a family.

"They (Brand and Ross) should at least pay for what they've done with their jobs."

Aspiring model Ms Baillie also said that the Radio 2 bosses who allowed the DJs' on-air calls to be broadcast should also go.

She added that she felt "totally and utterly exposed and betrayed" by the calls.

The media watchdog Ofcom is investigating the broadcast while the furore even drew condemnation from Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

Sachs, 78, told the BBC his granddaughter "feels very guilty".

"I have not seen or spoken to Georgina yet. She's very upset at having put her family through this and she feels very guilty," he said.

As to seeing her in the newspapers, he said: "I do not like it, would you? But it's her life and I just let her get on with it.

"Jonathan Ross has personally delivered a letter of apology and some flowers.

"He made no excuses and was very frank and open. He's in a lot of trouble and I don't want to pile any more on him."

Jeremy Hunt, the shadow culture secretary, told Sky News that all broadcasters needed to take their responsibilities more seriously.