The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114852   Message #2478939
Posted By: Bat Goddess
29-Oct-08 - 08:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: October Seasonal de-clutter BIG push
Subject: RE: BS: October Seasonal de-clutter BIG push
I don't know where this month has gone!

Seems like it was just the Portsmouth Maritime Folk Festival. Then we had Micca as a houseguest and I came down with a hideous cold, all the while getting my optech certification (that's an additional certificate to hang on the wall -- but at least it's at work) and, oh, I don't know what else.

Have discovered recently that all those clothes I DIDN'T de-clutter are now fitting properly and I can start wearing them again. Good thing, too, because my new job requires a different wardrobe from the computer jockey position of the last way too many years.

And I'm SERIOUSLY started to de-clutter the handwritten transcriptions of tapes and turn them into proper J-cards so everything can be stowed in an orderly fashion and found when I need them.

Still need to pull out one more stack of magazines before calling the guy who buys old magazines. Need to spiffify the house just a wee bit more before calling the guy who buys LPs. Need to get the laptop successfully plugged into the modem so we can upload some pictures to eBay (which hasn't been accepting them from my older Mac) and sell some more stuff. Need to contact the guy who was interested in the lead type and seems to have forgotten us.

Oh, and I started yesterday "de-cluttering" the accumulation of Christmas cards by getting them addressed and ready to send out the day after Thanksgiving. Dammit! I'm CELEBRATING Christmas this year, which was snatched from me last year thanks to my arm breakage and surgery.

Onward! Ever onward!
