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Thread #115435   Message #2479100
Posted By: bobad
29-Oct-08 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canuck Liberal Party Leader... who?
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Liberal Party Leader... who?
Justin Trudeau top pick for Liberal leader: poll

Norma Greenaway, Canwest News Service Published: Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"........Among Canadians of all parties, it said, Mr. Trudeau finished first with 16 per cent of the vote. He also scored the most support among those aged 18 to 55, and he was the hands-down favourite among women voters.

Michael Ignatieff, the party's current deputy leader, and Frank McKenna, the former New Brunswick premier who announced Tuesday he would not be a candidate, were tied for second with 12% of the vote. The two men also were the most popular choice among Canadians 55 and older, each garnering 16% of the vote. Toronto MP Bob Rae, a former NDP premier of Ontario, finished in third spot at nine per cent.

Other potential contenders were well back. John Manley, a former deputy leader, had five per cent, and Toronto MP Gerard Kennedy, a former leadership candidate, had three per cent. New Brunswick MP Dominic LeBlanc, who has all but officially declared his candidacy, and Toronto-area MPs Martha Hall Findlay and Ruby Dhalla each registered one per cent."