The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115250   Message #2479242
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
29-Oct-08 - 03:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: RE: BS: Obama is a socialist
Amos, dear ol' Amos, good ol' buddy in musical taste.......By your own post, you point out a connection (Annenbergs, for ONE)that there mutual associations and connections between the far right, and far left, in the higher echelons, ok??..What have I been telling you all along??? Some of these connections, have a higher agenda, and the funds to 'fund'(read: bribe, or even buy)influence national policy. The very fact that they can use their moneys to over ride true representation of constituents from being represented, in a Democracy, is in fact corrupt! Your pal Obama, is just one of them. That in itself does NOT exonerate the FAR right, who accept funds...from the SAME people. Accepting money, by BOTH sides assures the 'benefactors' that whomever is in office, is MUCH OBLIGED!

As I have previously said, 'We in America, have the best politicians money can buy!'

...And watch them go through all the phases of denial, when they get found out. Usually, when that said politician, is of no longer use, or the charges are made...seldom do the ones who do the bribing are punished...just the politician. Look at Stevens...How about going after the oil company bribers, as vigorously!!?!!?

Hmmm ..Let's think now...something in common with Reagan and Obama??...something to think about....