The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115250   Message #2479488
Posted By: Ebbie
29-Oct-08 - 08:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: RE: BS: Obama is a socialist
Bryzinzky advised Obama.....and Bush...and Clinton...and Reagan...and Bush Sr...and Carter....and..well, you fill in the spaces...

Now let's not pass this one over, all you spinners...." Glutton for Insanity

Ya can't even spell 'Brezinski'; you are on a par with the Zbenew Brezinski I found a moment ago. lol

That idiot shivers in his boots as he gasps out that ZB is a member of the Bilderberg's group. What is the matter with you two? Do you really expect to be taken seriously?

"Brezinski, who stood out for his relatively hawkish views in an administration that often emphasized human rights, told the crowd that by invading Iraq the "United States has become engaged in what is essentially a colonial war in the post-colonial era." He also opined that the Iraq war "has discredited America worldwide," and warned that the conflict in Iraq might spread to Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

"Saying Obama "was not, like many others, a Johnny-come-lately" with regard to realizing that the Iraq war was a so-called "fool's enterprise," Brezinski told the members of the crowd that they had the opportunity to change the world by supporting the Illinois senator.

"In August, Brezinski supported Obama during a foreign policy spat between the Illinois senator and his chief rival, Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-New York. In addition to advising President Carter, Brezinski also was adviser to officials in the Kennedy and Johnson administrations."

Yep, he is scary, all right.