The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115727   Message #2479692
Posted By: GUEST,Ralphie
30-Oct-08 - 05:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
Subject: RE: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
No knee jerk reaction from me.
Of course what Ross and Brand did was indefensible, and apparently Brand has fallen on his sword (metaphorically).
But I can understand the background having worked in Radio 2 for over 30 years.
When you're doing a live show, everybody concentrates and it nearly always works.
A pre record (which this was) is far more dangerous. Things are said and done which are questionable, tasteless, whatever...I've witnessed things in studios that would make your hair curl.
But, But....They almost always end up on the cutting room floor.
The mistake IMO was in the edit. Whoever did that certainly made a mistake, and should have refered the clip in question higher up the management food chain before broadcsting it.
As a studio manager recording a prog, I had to sign a RF Tx form (Ready for transmission) making me responsible for everything on the tape.
I've been away from the Beeb for 2 years now, so am not up to speed with current practices, but I can't believe they've changed that much.
So, a serious and stupid lapse of judgement, which would have been forgotten if it hadn't been for The Daily Mail, who started the whole Shit storm.