The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115727   Message #2479729
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
30-Oct-08 - 06:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
Subject: RE: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
Oh dear.
Calm down and look at it dispassionately.
What was said about Manuel's granddaughter was absolutely true.
What shouldn't have happened was that it went out over the airwaves, or mentioned in public at all.
THAT aspect of what Ross & Brand did was disgraceful, but in general, they were doing what they are paid to do, which is to see where they can push the boundaries of broadcasting. Besides, it's fun to try and see what you can get away with. Kenneth Williams did . . .
That the recording was referred up for a decision on whether to transmit was correct.
The big mistake was that remarks which would be a betrayal of confidence if just bandied about the pub, let alone spoken to the nation, were passed for broadcast.
It's whoever let it go out that should be fired for demonstrating a total lack of common sense or humanity.