The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115658   Message #2479848
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
30-Oct-08 - 09:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Margaret Thatcher meets mudcatter
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher meets mudcatter
So Mudcat moderation allows John MacKenzie to say Tony Benn! Now there's a proper loony. But when I suggest that such in infantile remark reduces MacKenzie to the level of an infantile prick, my response has to be deleted? Why does John MacKenzie need a level of protection that is not extended to the infinitely worthier Tony Benn?

Another point: surely it is out of order to remove a post without any acknowledgement of the redaction? The small courtesy of mentioning that a comment has been removed would at least allow newcomers to the thread to make a modicum of sense out of subsequent posts referring back to the one deleted. And yet another point: I consider it unreasonable to delete my post and yet not to delete John's reply to it.