The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115727   Message #2480178
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
30-Oct-08 - 03:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
Subject: RE: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
Know them, Goatfell? (Excuse me while I snigger at such a ridiculous name).
No, I know hardly anyone at R2. I worked in television, where I learned very rapidly where a producers' (and ultimately the suits') responsibility for what goes out rests.
Presenters on children's programmes were for ever trying to drop in double entendres. When they made it to air it was the production team that got the blame, not the presenters.
That's why it's right that Lesley Douglas has quit.
She is ultimately responsible for a disastrous decision of one of her staff to allow the spoof voicemail messages to go out on air.