The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115701   Message #2480515
Posted By: jrodg
31-Oct-08 - 12:16 AM
Thread Name: ADD: I'm in Love with Sarah Palin (Joe Rodgers)
Subject: RE: lyr ADD: 'I'm in love with Sarah Palin'
Hi, McG: This Finnish music is "virtually" a polka ; that is, it has all the elements of the old , traditional music which eventually became known as polka music (2/4 rhythm---and polka steps are usually danced to this music ,even when its musicians and crowds often affect a "Gothic appearance") ---a good example of only slightly more modernized music which calls itself polka is the "Kebab polka" by the great "Polkaholix" of Berlin, Germany (the clip is shown in the margin together with other similar clips when you bring up your Finnish clip on youtube). Many polkas from Northern Europa (i.e. Finland ) and Eastern Europe are in minor key ---altho this group identifies itself as rock/ska ,etc. etc in the tags/description of the clip, I think you may agree that what you are seeing and hearing is actually more polka-like ---some avoid the term polka just because it doesn't sound mod enough for their tastes , I think --- making our genre, for some, even many such groups in these regions, "the music that dare not speak its name" (haha) ---on the other hand, others you see right in that very margin, like the German Polkaholix, come out and say it proudly, while yet others you see there sort of compromise, or have their cake and polka , too (!? ---sorry for the weird mixed metaphor), by adopting names for their genre like "punk polka" ( or in this country "extreme push" ---extreme is supposed to connote cutting edge/over the top and "push" is a "code word" in polka circles in this country for polka---so that insiders recognize and accept it while its "polka-ness" is being hidden from outsiders in the hope of gaining mainstream acceptance that a polka labelled as such wouldn't gain --- tricky, huh?---Anyway, to me a rose is still a rose, a duck a duck ( if it quacks like a duck, etc.) and a polka a polka ---That's why I called our song "I'm in Love with Sarah Palin POLKA"---even at the risk of losing some support from people who might consider polkas too blue-collar, folksy,or whatever for their taste.---playing to the "base" (haha) ---just like our folksy princess , Sarah ---After all, we are , I proudly affirm (drum roll here, please ^^) Joe and the Plumbers....