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Thread #115250   Message #2480584
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
31-Oct-08 - 03:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: RE: BS: Obama is a socialist
Carol echos what I have been saying all along..a mixture(I used the word 'balance'). When people hear the word 'Socialist',one conjures up a type as 'Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republic, and to ask questions about that, before one votes, IS A LEGITIMATE QUESTION!..Don't you think??

With all the hemming and hawing, from the Obama camp don't you think it reasonable, that people should be leery? There are just too many unanswered questions, and allegations surrounding him, and his past associates for MANY to feel completely comfortable with just what kind of socialism, and how much.

McCain, on the other hand, supported a 'corporate socialism', which to a lot of people, for just cause, to feel equally uncomfortable, considering, that he has been linked to supporting some of the policies of this past to ask questions, and seek answers, is also NOT UNREASONABLE!

That being said, there are also BIG questions that this whole socialist topic has many watchful citizens, frustrated about for not getting straight up answers...BECAUSE NOBODY IS ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS!!!

For instance: With the North American Union, we dissolve our borders, and change our currency.....These 'treaties' are going on without ANY press, and the American public knows hardly anything about these ongoing 'arrangements'. the press must not think this an issue that interest us,..or it's being kept from us. 'You sir, being a candidate for president, what is your position on that?'(either one, preferably both!!)............'Sir, the last administration heaped upon itself unprecedented executive powers, that by any interpretation of the law, is unconstitutional, What is your position, and would you pledge to rescind them?'(both)
'Sir, in recent events extraordinary powers were given to the Treasurer to get money from the Federal Reserve, without oversight or even a vote from either house..coupled with the executive powers, which the president now has(unconstitutionally), how would you change that???...Being as you both are claiming 'Change'??'

Now, don't you think those are REASONABLE questions for the presidential candidates to be addressing, instead of 'How much did the RNC spend on Sarah Palin's clothes'?????

And Amos, you still haven't answered the earlier question. I would expected you would have dropped your pom-poms, and jumped right in with a talking point. I take it that your out gathering up your camel!