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Thread #115727   Message #2480586
Posted By: GUEST,Ralphie
31-Oct-08 - 03:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
Subject: RE: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
A bit of historical context here.
Many years ago, the BBC decided to outsource about 20% of its output (TV and Radio) to independent companies.

A reasonable idea, as it goes....Talkback productions etc...(who have produced some fine programmes)
But what it meant was that the first editorial defence line was removed.
When Chris Evans took over the breakfast show on Radio 1. It was a bear pit....Zoo radio at its most extreme. Chris managed to keep it on track (just!) but, it was dangerous radio.
As far as I understand the Russell Brand show is produced by his own production company, and the 25 year old producer of the original recording would have found it very hard to question his bosses wish that the Sachs portion of the show be broadcast. Probably in fear of his job. (Which he has undoubtedly lost by now)

This doesn't excuse the Beebs involvement, but it may give people a little more insight.

Personally I'm sad that Lesley Douglas has gone. She was a good friend and colleague for 20 odd years, and single handedly revived the fortunes of what was a (literally) a dying Radio staion.

For all its faults the BBC still produces some of the finest programmes in the world. My anger is directed at the Daily Mail (amongst many other Newspapers) for stirring up this Shit storm.
(See Paul Burkes post above).

Interestingly, since Chris Evans has returned to Radio 2, it's a much better programme....Why? It's a Beeb producer in charge!