The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115250   Message #2480647
Posted By: CarolC
31-Oct-08 - 06:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: RE: BS: Obama is a socialist
Let's have another look at my statement...

I'm not leery of Obama because of those charges that a bunch of liars have been spreading about him

As we can see, what I said is that I am not leery of Obama. Let's go over that one again... I in this case, refers to me. I (me, not anyone else) am not leery of Obama. Let's take that one apart. Leery = suspicious, wary. I am not leery of Obama. That's pretty straightforward. Let's move on...

I am not leery of Obama, despite the lies that people have been telling about him. It looks like I am being told to prove that the things I am calling lies about Obama are not true. I said I already did prove them to be lies and not true.

In the context of my statement, ie: that I am not leery of Obama because of any lies that have been told about him, the operative word is "I". I am not leery of Obama. I am not leery of Obama because I have proved to my satisfaction, that the accusations being spread about Obama are lies.

Since it is my being leery, or my lack of being leery that is in question (in regards to my original statement), I don't need to prove it to the satisfaction of anyone else. I only need to prove it to my satisfaction.

I don't have to justfy my opinions to anyone, nor do I have to justify how I vote to anyone. Anyone who thinks they have a right to dictate others' opinions or their votes has some serious delusions of grandeur. (As do people who say that something I have been saying for years right here in the open forum is "echoing" something being said by someone who showed up fairly recently.)

On the subject of proving to my satisfaction that Obama is not a socialist... if he was, his health care program would be single payer, not for profit. Which is the health care model I personally prefer. He's not doing that. His approach is largely a market based one, in which the capitalist insurance companies get to continue to make a profit off of sick people. Nevertheless, it is abundantly apparent that we will not get a single payer not for profit health care system in this country any time soon, so I am willing to settle for a system in which I am able to obtain health insurance through the market (which I cannot do now).

As far as his being a radical is concerned. Let's have a look at that. For some reason, some people seem to think that Obama is the only person in the world who is not allowed to have any associations with Bill Ayers whatever without being accused of having ties to domestic terrorists. He is the only person in the whole world who is not allowed to have any associations whatever with Bill Ayers without being called a radical. The idiocy of that formulation really shouldn't require any comment from me (so sad, then, that some people seem to think that it does).