The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115727   Message #2480698
Posted By: GUEST,Ralphie
31-Oct-08 - 07:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
Subject: RE: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
Paul Burke is quite right.
It's all about ratings.
I took redundancy from the Beeb after 33 years 2 years ago.
The Charter renewal was coming up, (as it does every 10 years or so), and the Beeb had to demonstrate to the government that they were slimming another 15% job losses.
So I took the Kings shilling.

The point of outsourcing programme makers to independent companies actually saved money for the BBC. (No In House studio/staff time involved etc).
The problem was that some (not all) of the independent companies weren't very good.
As you sow, so shall ye reap.
Heres an example of how it should have worked.(True Story)
A well known presenter had lost his contract, and he came in with a 4 page statement as to his feelings for the pre-record of his final prog.
The Producer and I read it, and tore it up, saying that if said presenter wanted to commit professional suicide on air, we wouldn't allow it to happen.
He realised his folly when the red mist subsided.
The cold light of day scenario so to speak. And he was very grateful to us in hindsight.
The Prod and I had been around several BBC blocks for over 70 years collectively, and the warning signs flashed instantly. Job done. No consequences. No fallout.
With a young eager Production company trying to break into the competetive world of broadcasting, it's Oh so easy to lose the plot, which is what happened here IMHO.

I still blame the Mail for stoking the boilers on this one.