The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115727   Message #2480719
Posted By: greg stephens
31-Oct-08 - 07:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
Subject: RE: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
Couple of persdonal opinions. I don't blame the Mail for stoking up things. People complained as and when they heard about it. It was shocking and disgusting, but obviously very few people knew about the programme to start with. It's like a murder...often takes a while for it to be discovered, but when it is, most people disapprove.
Secondly, I watched to Russel Brand's comedy programme on Channel 4 last night. Great. Very funny, very dirty. Vastly enjoyed it. Jonathan Ross, on the other hand, is a thoroughly nasty bit of work, as five minute's viewing on one of his programme's would, I should hope, convince anyone.
As to his "heartfelt" apology(and Brand's)....Oh yes? Sure they behaved badly in the heat of the moment. But they then went on to think about it, sleep on it, figured out the consequences. Then they broadcast it.I imagine they thought it was amusing and groundbreaking, not to mention boundary-pushing (something we are meant to worship, apparently).That seems to me to prove that the apologies were totally insincere, and purely designed to try to minimise the personal consequences for themselves.
    I used to snigger myself into insensibilty at the Derek and Clive recordings. Doesn't mean I wanted them to perform at the vicarage teaparty. There's a time and a place for everything.