The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115727   Message #2480738
Posted By: GUEST,Rafflesbear
31-Oct-08 - 08:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
Subject: RE: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
One of the things that makes people react to this so strongly when they hear about it from whatever source is their love of Andrew Sachs' as a distinguished actor and of his portrayal of Manuel in particular. To the best of my knowledge he has managed to conduct his career without offending others

His dignity when interviewed and lack of spite makes us be outraged on his behalf - "Andrew, you keep your dignity, we shall do the messy business of getting your justice for you"

If the call had been made by Jonathan Ross and left on the voicemail of Russell Brand we really wouldn't care would we?