The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115727   Message #2480743
Posted By: GUEST,Ralphie
31-Oct-08 - 08:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
Subject: RE: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
Another story.
I used to work with Chris Morris (The Day Today, Brass Eye, Blue Jam etc)
Because of the nature of his programmes for Radio 1. The controller insisted on vetting it the day before Tx.
Fair enough you might think.
Having achieved management approval, Chris would then spend several hours inserting extra material into the prog. Actually the new bits weren't that bad, obscene or anything like that, but, he was pushing the limits of responsibilty.
His shows were mainly in the middle of the night, so nobody heard them anyway!!
Rogue presenters will always subvert the boundaries when they can.

Does anyone remember the Drug TV edition of Brass Eye, when he got several luminaries...Manning, Edmonds etc to pontificate on the dangers of taking "Cake"

Hilarious and squirmy too.

And then, the story of a "Round the Horn" script (1950's Radio show)
Which had a page of "Polari" in it (A sort of underground gay patois)

After perusal by a BBC executive it came back with the note, "I can see nothing wrong with this script"
But it was filthy!!! Hugh Janus, Hugh Jampton, etc....Vada those lallies.

I very much doubt the Brand and Ross thought anything immediately after the shows recording. Probably went to a club or something. Dunno. Leaving it to their production team to do the edit.
Which was done badly, obviously.

Ah Well water under the bridge now.
Heads have rolled. With no doubt more to follow