The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115723   Message #2480841
Posted By: Rasener
31-Oct-08 - 10:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Loos That Are Losers **(Ultimate BS)**
Subject: RE: BS: LoosThat Are Losers **(Ultimate BS)**
About 30 years ago, we stayed at a Taverna in the south of a small greek island called Chios.
We hadn't booked any accomodation and it was latish, but we needed somewhere to stay. The taverner was right on the beach and was very friendly. We asked if they knew anywheer we could stay for a week. They said they could put us up and a very reasonable price. So we said OK and had a few drinks. I then asked where the toilets were. They pointed to a building by the side of the taverna.
It was a biggish room with windows that were not shaded. The only place to have a wee or crap was in the centre of the room.
No problem a bit primitive.
The next morning I asked where the bathroom was. They pointed at the crap house. I went in thnking this can't be right. Directly above the center of the room was a shower. Yes you have it. You had to stand in the middle of where everybody had a crap or wee and have your shower.

However I live in small town of less tan 3000 people in the UK, and we have one of the nicest public loos in the country. They even have classical music playing in the background.