The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115250   Message #2480895
Posted By: Amos
31-Oct-08 - 11:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: RE: BS: Obama is a socialist

You put out more codswallop per sqaure post than an army of prepubescent boys.

THere is no evidence that Barack Obama's thinking is anything other than what he says it is. Why do you keep searching so desperately from bogey-men and scary poster-monsters to try and intimidate people from using their common sense and listening to the man's thoughts as he presents them?

At least come up with some concrete evidence that any such influence exists and that if it does exist it is in any way at all a "negative" influence in some way.

LEt me put it another way: do you thik the President of the United States should be ignorant of Palestinian issues, or that by learning about them he in some way is disloyal to his friendship with ISrael? Do you think hatred is more important than information in a leader? Thse are the impressions you are producing, FWIW.

What ideas do you think Khalid might have infected Barack Obama with? WHat evidence do tyou have that he is vulnerable to such infection? I woudl guess "None".