The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22705   Message #248107
Posted By: JenEllen
27-Jun-00 - 06:18 PM
Thread Name: Thought for the Day - June 27,00
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - June 27,00
The 'L' line is a lot harder line to cross than most people think. Whatever it is, secrecy, inadequacy, the way you were brought up, it's a lot to tackle, and a lot to pin on just one person as being 'the one'.

What is amazing to me, and I never really thought about it before, (thanks Peter) is the length and type of relationships that the same-sex couple I know have. I'm not sure if they are just better at dealing with interpersonal relationships, or they just have fewer problems, but when my gay and lesbian friends found someone they could call 'partner', the petty things about relationships seemed to have ceased to be important.

The scenarios are endless, and I wish there was a tangible key to it all.
