The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115727   Message #2481082
Posted By: Cllr
31-Oct-08 - 03:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
Subject: RE: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
Diane is absolutly right in her comments about editorial process.

and in a prescient way Brand confirms the nature of the beast in his autbiography "My booky wook" in this excerpt Brand is saying how a freind told him to be careful of those who encouraged him to be at the edge of his trade.

"This is how he (karl theobald)charecterised the ensuing dynamic
'Oh look at him go. Wow! He's like a runaway train. Go on Russel, wooh! Tear it up. He's wild he's dangerous! He's unstoppable!...He's done what? Sorry Russell you're fired.'"

this was written last year ago. I don't condone in anyway what they did but as Diane said ealier (hope you dont mind but i think it worth repeating

"That the recording was referred up for a decision on whether to transmit was correct.
The big mistake was that remarks which would be a betrayal of confidence if just bandied about the pub, let alone spoken to the nation, were passed for broadcast.
It's whoever let it go out that should be fired for demonstrating a total lack of common sense or humanity."

also brilliant bit of analysis from Paul Burke .