The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115727   Message #2481435
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
01-Nov-08 - 04:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
Subject: RE: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
Comedy began to change in the 80s. It stopped being 'funny' and started to shock. Ben Elton and his generation started pushing the boundaries. Crude humour was born. It became more and more sexually explicit, interspersed with swear words at every given opportunity. Then it became sexually explicit and personal. No-one was spared, everyone was fair game.

Unfortunately, it started to trickle out into society. The playground became a place of cruel taunts. The children picked up on the vast amount of sexual content in 'humour' arond them, and the 'cruelty' as well.

And so, a generation or two was raised that thought this was normal.

They were also surrounded by sexually explicit things, in the kids magazines, in the toys they played with, in the music they listened to.

The little girls wanted to be porn stars when they grew up, and the little boys wanted them to be that as well, seeing women as just sexual objects.

By their own volition, many women have become the object of some pretty weird fantasies. but they've been raised to think that's 'normal'. Hell, even in our supermarkets we now have to buy our food next to magazines such as 'Nuts' or 'Zoo' or 'Loaded' because, hey, they're Lad's Magazines so it's OK. Really????? They take women back 40 years or more, to nothing more than meat.

Along with the cruding up of our society, went the dumbing down, and the generations who were saturated in sex never asked questions, they only ever 'accepted' what was poured down on them.

As time went by, they became totally de-sensitised, many of them drunk out of their heads for most of the week, as they tried to stagger through a world that had ceased to care, ceased to be gentle, kind, thoughtful, compassionate or empathetic. Along with getting drunk out of their skulls every weekend, and often during the week too, they had sex on the streets, with anyone who was around. Yup, really. Still, at least they didn't have to remember it all in the morning, as they groggily took their Morning After Pill.

The true comedians, those with intelligence, wit, humour and compassion, were cast aside, as the new breed of 'in yer face louts' were welcomed aboard by every agent, every radio station, every TV programme who paid them vast amounts to continue the dumbing down process.

The BBC didn't want to miss out on this new happening. They weren't going to be left behind in this rush to view The Emperor's New Clothes. Hell no. And so, they not only hired two of the most outrageous so-called 'comedians' around, but they paid them huge salaries too. One of them they decided to completely lose their marbles over and paid him £18,000.000 of OUR money, so that he could sit in their studio and drag down the minds of those who listened, ever further, as he talked of fucking and other bodily functions. Sometimes he'd tell his TV guests that he'd like to fuck them after the show.

So, that's OK then.


And we all said *nothing*, most laughed, maybe a little shocked, but heck, no-one wanted to be that person who stepped out from the parade, as The Emperor walked by in his New Clothes, no-one wanted to point out the glaringly obvious, because they'd be told they were a Daily Mail Reader, a bigot, a killjoy, a Facist etc. etc. etc..

Tell me, if I, as a woman, behaved like these two men, would the BBC have paid me £18,000.000?

If I had sat in front of a microphone and told people who I'd *****'d, when and where, (preferably in public toilets, because hey, that's the new, cool place to be ******'d, apparently, according to Russell)...would anyone have said anything?

Or, would I have been labelled the biggest slut going?

What worries me most in all of this, is not just Lesley Douglas's blind, idiotic, outrageous, incompetent behaviour in daring to give Jonathan Ross £18 MILLION POUNDS of OUR money ....

.....but more than that, it is the way that two generations of younger people have now been sexually 'groomed' to accept that *nothing* is unacceptable, and that the best thing a woman can be is a porn star, or a scantily clad boobs-and-bums celebrity, and that young men seem to want them to be nothing more than that, thinking that it's OK to talk about the woman you were with last night as the latest person you f******'d, and nothing else.

There is a terrible emptiness inside so many of our young people, who know nothing of love, of being treasured, of knowing the soul of someone, of having self-respect, no.....that has been turned into a bodily function, which is taken care of in the most quick, dispassionate, crude and non-commital way possible..then talked about in detail with their mates, or they can tune in to TV or Radio and watch/hear it being discussed there.

Lesley Douglas, at least, has resigned.
Russell Brand, at least, has resigned. But what of Jonathan Ross? The BBC's Mega Million Crude Bomb is still there, still hanging on to his millions, still being able to know that in a few months time, he'll be back to earning £16,000 A DAY from the BBC alone, excluding all his other earnings.

Personally, I think, as a nation, we should take every TV set in the land to our nearest Bonfire Night Fires, throw them on top and let the BBC cease to have our money once and for all.

I've been sickened by these huge salaries for a long, long time. It is so deeply wrong, unjustifiably wrong.

More than that though, is the fact that the BBC, once admired around the world, has jumped on the Disturbing Bandwagon of those who want to 'groom' our children to be sexual beings, and nothing else.

It is time to Educate Up, to restore pride back into women, to remove the poles from the dancing floors, to get men to see that we're not here purely to be f****** over the settee (as I think these two men mentioned on their show)...and that women themselves start to use their brains again, and realise they are far, far more than bums and boobs to be shaken, not stirred.