The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115250   Message #2481479
Posted By: akenaton
01-Nov-08 - 06:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: RE: BS: Obama is a socialist
As in the UK, the people who make the most money actually pay proportionately less tax.....the "getout clause"is built into the system.
The taxation systems both in US and UK, are corrupt and unfair....the rich just opt out...they do something more profitable with their money, using one of the many loopholes.
The poor in comparison, need all their earnings just to survive and so are caught in the corrupt taxation trap.
The bullshit being spouted by both candidates will make no difference to this situation.....simply tinkering with a failed system.

You had the chance to get up off your arses and given Bush's universal unpopularity, give your country a real fresh start, but it appears you've been conned into continuing with "corporatelite" Obama.
Its still Corporate America......but with a shiny, smiley face...Ake