The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115250   Message #2481937
Posted By: Sawzaw
01-Nov-08 - 06:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: RE: BS: Obama is a socialist

I always try to check things out before I post them. I believe they are facts and not just a bunch of opinions, mo matter if 90% of people think something is true, it may not be true.

Yes, I am subject to knee jerk reactions and may jump too quick but I am also ready to retract something if it turns out to be false.

As to Obama being infected with something from Khalidi or Ayers, How would anybody ever prove anything about one person influencing another?

However people do not associate with someone they don't like or do not get along with.

Then there is the axiom that you are known by the friends you keep. Obama has never admitted to being friends with Ayers but admits to being friends with Khalidi and discussing ideologies with him.

Every time I check out the validity of something about Obama, the name of another former terrorist, Muslim extremist, radical, Marxist, convicted felon etc pops up. If is as intelligent as he proclaims, why didn't he have the good judgment to stay clear of these people? Or does political expediency trump morals?

I seems to me that the Chicago political establishment is a nest of Liberal elitists and you can't work your way up with out supporting them and owing them favors. They look down on the average American and tell him he is disadvantaged, down trodden, poor etc. They believe they know what is best for them like their flock of sheep.

Fuck'em all.