The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94419 Message #2482188
Posted By: GUEST,Concerned individual.
02-Nov-08 - 01:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cold index finger, diagnosis?
Subject: RE: BS: Cold index finger, diagnosis?
I have never replied to a thread before. I was checking this out to come to some type of diagnosis for myself. I am a dental hygiene student and recently noticed this year that my right index finger would go white when it was cold. It is a total loss of other fingers are fine. I do notice a clicking noise in my finger when I bend it during these times..and only the end 1/3rd of my finger goes white. I am healthy and fit. I have been tested for diabetes, thyroid etc and everything is good. During the summer I have no problems but winter is coming and I wonder how I am going to cope.