The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115848   Message #2482611
Posted By: Colin Randall
02-Nov-08 - 02:38 PM
Thread Name: Competition: free Fotheringay 2 CDs
Subject: Competition: free Fothjeringay 2 CDs
Encouraged by the response to competitions for Eliza Carthy and Maddy Prior albums, I have launched another one* at
Salut! Live with prizes of three copies of the newly released Fotheringay 2 album - completed with bits added by surviving and members 38 years after they started work on it.

To quote the item at Salut Live! just give me "your best or most vivid memory of Sandy, Fotheringay, Fairport with Sandy, Sandy solo, Sandy on record."

The best entries may come from people too young to have known of Sandy while she was alive. My decision final. But I may, as with Maddy, add a fourth prize if the replies - here, at Salut! Live and at Talkawhile - are as good.....