The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2482666
Posted By: Sawzaw
02-Nov-08 - 03:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Amos: "the Troopergate scandal" How about Biden's troopergate where the cop actually did get fired?

I was advised by my sergeant that I was to pull Ms. Biden out of the vehicle, perform the remaining field sobriety tests, and that if she was indeed found to be intoxicated and operating a motor vehicle then she was to be arrested and processed accordingly. Needless to say, when she performed the rest of the field sobriety tests she was barely able to stand let alone perform the tests. I looked to my sergeant for one final guiding point and he raised his arm as if to say "What are you waiting for, arrest her." I did.

From this point on, she became both belligerent, verbally abusive, and actually propositioned me several times in an effort to be released. I was told by her that her father was a great and powerful man and that she would have my badge! She was processed and blew a .16 on the intoxilyzer (twice the legal limit within the city limits at the time). She was treated with the utmost of courtesy â€" actually above and beyond while in custody because of who she was.
She was only handcuffed during the ride to the station and roamed freely about
the booking area with her nose up in disgust voicing complaints as to how dirty the place was and how displeased her father was going to be with all of us. She was released a short time later that morning....

Two weeks later I was fired without just cause which they could do because of my probationary status as a new officer. I was given reasons that you don’t fire for as being the reasons why I was being let go. It was very strange.

I went through two attorneys that once they got close to the case they mysteriously advised me that they had to drop the case.

What Joe Biden and the Newark PD did to me destroyed my life and has scarred me forever....

A few months ago it was brought to my attention that 3 Delaware State Troopers were fired for arresting Ashley Biden for being drunk and disorderly at a party recently (within the last year).

During the course of arrest she resisted and was dealt with accordingly. I know very few details about this other than what I have just written. I am going to reach out to the Delaware State Trooper’s Association and see if they can verify this and if true put me in touch with the 3 troopers.