The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2482847
Posted By: Bobert
02-Nov-08 - 07:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
This is what desperate people do, Amos, ol' buddy...

Sawz takes exception to me putting the "P (paranoid) label" on him... Says that even after 16-17 years working with mentally ill clients that seein' as I ain't a phychiatrist that I dodn't know jack from jack??? Ha!!! Yeah, okay, maybe sometimes I wished I didn't but 16 years of working with thousands of clients and with mental health professionals it comes down to, ahhhh, yeah, I know lotta about folks with all kinds of personality disorders and worse...

Sawz, I hate to say it, is a very angry and paranoid person... He/she also tends to "project" his/her own problems (issues) onto others around him/her... Sawz, for instance, has reinvented him/herself over and over here in Mudville... He/she has been been Old Guy... He/she has been Dickey... And there is at least one other handle that Sawz has used... Joe Offer probably knows but I really don't care... The fact is that, Amos, that Sawz is not a stable poster here... Quite the opposite... Okay, maybe not the scarey guy in the chiller flick but not stable... I know that... Sawz has stalked me here in Mudville thru his/her various handles... Might of fact, I have suspisions that Sawz has stalked me to another site in cyberspace...

(Well, Bobertz.... Maybe you are the paranoid one???)


But nevermind the mental instability of Sawz... He/she will get worse because folks don't change, other than handles, they just get more so...

Just thought this might be a good place to call Sawz for his little ball game he has going here...

Sorry for the thread drift...

Now back to Barack Obama...
