The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115502   Message #2484451
Posted By: jimslass
04-Nov-08 - 10:28 AM
Thread Name: There but for fortune/blowin in the wind
Subject: RE: There but for fortune/blowin in the wind
Little Robyn, having just turned 57 myself, can be as realistic as needed WHEN needed, but I like to think that spirit of hope and optimism lurks somewhere, still! Otherwise, pass me the pills and I'll go quietly now. Let's not give up, at our age life is for making the most of, and embarrassing your kids at every opportunity!

And, to add to the discussion, it's always good for an academic flight of fancy re comparing tunes/songs, but as Ron above suggests, why get into a tizz about it? It will all come down to personal preference, and before you know it you have 3 or 4 chaps posting reams and reams of drivel and personal insults, and 'mines bigger than yours' bravura lightly disguised as considered opinion.

Peace 'n love, man.xxxxx (Oh gosh, hope you realise that last was written ironically!)