The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115383   Message #2484507
Posted By: GUEST,KP
04-Nov-08 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Wasilla, Alaska speaks about Palin
Subject: RE: BS: Wasilla, Alaska speaks about Palin
Interesting (as a bystander across the pond) that there is this issue about Obama's belief's and background. Is he is Muslim? Wow that would be terrible.

But compare Sarah Palin's views and background with those of a 'typical' radical Islamist:

They both believe in doing things because God told them too

They both believe in creationism

They are both from oil rich states, and are skeptical of global warming

Neither of them believe in gun control

They both believe in reducing the power of the US Federal Government

One dislikes liberals or the other dislikes 'liberal democracy'

All seems pretty similar to me, its surprising no one has picked up on this. Of course the conclusive proof is this picture of Ms Palin wearing a headscarf...

Happy elections to all :)