The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115793   Message #2484592
Posted By: wysiwyg
04-Nov-08 - 12:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering November; sustain momentum
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering November; sustain momentum

I discovered today that there is a perfection of "how much stuff to have," for each of us I think, where it works like this.

You've had a crazy-busy [insert time frame for your situation], and you have neither emptied nor reloaded the dishwasher. You didn't put away the clean clothes, nor load the washing machine with the pile of dirty ones. Dirty dishes from the snack you had just before you crashed (the last 4 nights in a row) are all over the LR, kitchen, everywhere-- along with other crap you unloaded from the car. Get the picture?

But because you have JUST as much of it ALL as you NEED, you find what you need (clean) before you run out of stuff, and before you can put it all away properly you have worn it, eaten off it, etc., obviating the need to have put it away at all.

Then when things calm down you just wash the dirty stuff and THEN put it all away, nice.

The trick is having enough and no more, and balance in your life that allows for the catch-up between crazy-busy cycles. For me the linchpin is the laundry-- I MUST WASH THE CLOTHES, even if they never do get folded, so I can keep putting on fresh/appropriate stuff for the next round of the day.
