The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115900   Message #2484821
Posted By: EBarnacle
04-Nov-08 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lines at the Polls
Subject: RE: BS: Lines at the Polls
I just got back from Challenging for my local candidate. Arrived at the polling place at 5:45 and, because the local board of elections had screwed up, had to persuade the person in charge to call the board and verify that I was the Challenger at Large for Obama in my part of the county. Thus I got to do my job without visible credentials.

The line when I arrived was about 100 people for 3 precincts, all voting in the same location. By 9 AM, we had handled more people than the regular workers, all of whom had worked the elections for years, had ever seen in a general election before.

About 10% of the voters ended up placing emergency or provisional ballots due to screw ups with the motor/voter system or due to late registration [within the last month].

By noon, about 30% of the enrolled voters had done so.