The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115900   Message #2485601
Posted By: Charley Noble
05-Nov-08 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lines at the Polls
Subject: RE: BS: Lines at the Polls
It was an amazing turnout for our small town. There were actually about 2000 registered voters a week or so ago, and 2200 voted in the election. That's more than 100%! Well, about 200 more registered to vote on Election Day which is permitted in the State of Maine.

I was at the polling place until 2 am until the final votes were tallied. Obama actually carried our town with 56% of the vote, verses 60% statewide.

One of our local senate races was a cliffhanger, with 15 votes separating the two candidates from our unofficial results. We'll see what math errors we made this morning.

Judy, who works for the Clerk of the House in the state legislature didn't get in till 4 am, and now she's back to the office, having picked up 3 hours of sleep. The Democrats reinforced the majorities in both the State Senate and House.

My mother at the age of 91 was thrilled by the outcome of the Presidential race, saving she never thought she'd live to see such a win.

Charley Noble