The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115701   Message #2487030
Posted By: oldhippie
06-Nov-08 - 07:53 PM
Thread Name: ADD: I'm in Love with Sarah Palin (Joe Rodgers)
Subject: Lyr Add: THIS AIN'T NO BEAUTY CONTEST (George Mann
No love in this one:

This Ain't No Beauty Contest
© 2008 George Mann (10/2, 10/12)

At the heart, we're all reasonable people
And as reasonable people, I think we can all agree
That we want a president and a vice president
Who can name at least one newspaper
That they get their news from on a regular basis

This ain't no beauty contest
If it was you'd win hands down
For while Obama's kinda sexy
The other guys both look like circus clowns

But when things start getting crazy
You can't just twirl your gold baton
Or strut around in some hot bathing suit
Until the bad guys are all mesmerized or gone

So goodbye Sarah Palin
You're not ready for this stage
You're not ready for the big leagues
You're not ready for this age

You know I just don't understand why she couldn't have said
"Lawrence vs. Texas" from 2003
When the Supreme Court struck down
Texas law banning sexual contact
Between certain kinds of consenting adults

Or National Labor Relations Board vs. Jones & Laughlin Steel, 1937,
Which upheld the rights of workers to form labor unions

Or why she didn't, in the clutch, just shout out
"Brown vs. Board of Education!" from 1954
Which said that segregated classrooms were inherently unequal

After all, she was asked which Supreme Court cases she disagreed with...

You can lecture us on morals
But take a look at your own house
A druggie son, a pregnant daughter
And that's just what's gotten out

They say you cheated on your husband
Tried to fire your sister's ex
So just what have you to offer us?
I guess it all boils down to sex

So goodbye Sarah Palin
You're not ready for this stage
You're not ready for the big leagues
You're not ready for this age

Goodbye Sarah Palin
It is time for you to go
Because this ain't no beauty contest
And this country's voting "no"

No, this ain't no beauty contest
And this country's voting "no"