The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115981   Message #2487534
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
07-Nov-08 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Getting rid of snails
Subject: RE: BS: Getting rid of snails
Will you men PLEASE stop!! Aaarrggghh!

"That's a bit of MY plant! Cheeky little b*****d. Where's me shotgun..."

David...look, that little fella has a wife and 17 children to feed, and he can't get Snail Social Security, because every time he tries to stand in line and get some free food, some 'orrible lil' human tries to zap the living daylights out of him!

Do you know, we have a book for sale in The National Trust shop, where I work called....wait for it...

50 Ways to Kill a Slug.. (!!!!)

And...cue song: "......

50 Ways to 'How COULD YOU!"

Sadly, it's *hugely* popular. Whenever anyone buys a copy, I give them my special 'look'....the one that makes them shrivel, even more than the slugs and snails they've got lined up for shrivelling when they get home.

There is no job harder in this life, than to be a snail or a slug. Humans want to eat you, nuke you, turn you into cream, make you implode, dehydrate you, give you alcohol poisoning..It's DAMN TOUGH!

The Good Things That Slugs Do

Snail Cream - Yes, really..

Snails, The Healers

Just be careful, David, because, they're learning how to fight back.

Uh Oh! :0)

Now I'm off to do some Vole Research, turn Rappy's opinions around and...Save The Vole!
