The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22690   Message #248768
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
28-Jun-00 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Any interesting mutations?
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
I can pick up paperclips with my toes (they hate it when I do that at work.....) and I can spread them too. The finger things (moving ring fingers and pinkies) is good excercise for pianists, so what my excuse it I don't know. I can do the independant eyebrow thing as well, and I have a 3rd cousin twice removed who has an extra thumb growing from the joint of his original thumb.....

Re; Bagpuss - the chap who recorded a lot of the fiddle playing, plays at our regular Thursday sessions which have just been moved from the Spotted Dog, Forest Gate. He says they did it on a Phillips tape recorder in his front room - so much for technology!!