The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115931   Message #2488059
Posted By: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River
07-Nov-08 - 07:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: What George might do...
Subject: RE: BS: What George might do...
Okay. Heres what I would do if I was George Bush, eh?

First off...if it was me...I would get drunk. And I mean SERiyously drunk! There has gotta be a lotta booze left in teh White House, right? I would try to drink as much of it as possable between, like, now and whenever he hasta leave. Januwary sometime? I would yell and scream and roll on the floor and beat my fists on the walls. I would bust things up bad. I would get on the flippin' TV and say "How can youse ungratefull people DO this to me? You flipheads! I worked 8 flippin' years for alla youse and THIS is the thanks I flippin' get? Well, FLIP YOU! Cos I ain't leavin'! And you can't make me!"

I would do and say whatever I flippin' wanted to from now on, becoz their ain't nothin' left to loose at this point, eh? If they didn't like it? Flip 'em!!! I would flippin' go fer broke and do all the stuff I wanted to whiles there is still time.

When they finally come with cops and stuff to drag me outta there in Januwary, I would not leave willingly. Hell, no! I would push all the flippin' furniture against the doors and windows and barrycade the Oral Office and plug all the locks with Krazy glue and fight like hell anyone who tried to get in there. They would hafta drag me out kickin' and screamin', and I would not go down easy.

I figger Bush ain't got my guts I'm guessin' he will only do maybe a few of those things. We will see.

- Shane