The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115950   Message #2488719
Posted By: Bobert
08-Nov-08 - 06:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pilot loses wing and cheats death
Subject: RE: BS: Pilot loses wing and cheats death
Well, yeah... The arresting hook would certainly keep the F-15 from ground loopin', F-troupe... Heck, don't take no physics major to figure that one out...

If the guy in the video had an arrestig hook then, sure, he might be able to land that plane under power but unlikely with that plane... It an areobatic plane which means it has one big ass engine and lots of stainless wire to keep everything wired tight but here's what would have more than likely happened...

He's approachin' under power with remaining wing pointing up toward the sky using his rear stabilizers (those wing looking thing in the back with the tail between 'um) for lift... The small surface area of the stabilizers (as compared to the actual, ahhhh, wings, would require greater speed to keep the plane in the air... So he'd have to come in real hot (like 70 ot more knots) and then use the rear satbilzers to level the plane, power off and catch the arresting hook at 70 knots which would probably pull the tail section completely off this plane as it wasn't designed to be stopped that way...

I just don't see how what I am seeing in the video is possible... I has to be a hoax...

Tell ya what, F-troupe, ol' buddy... Google up some pilot sights and see what real licensed pilots are sayin'... I'd bet it would be purdy close to what I have said... Airplanes ain't all that tough to figure out...
