The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115931   Message #2488753
Posted By: Charley Noble
08-Nov-08 - 07:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: What George might do...
Subject: RE: BS: What George might do...
I'd agree with Becky from Tucson that the end game will be expensive for the environment, about the only thing GWB can still exploit for the benefit of his cronies in the next two months.

With regard to "He'll be busy writing memoirs," there was a report yesterday by MSNBC that no publisher was interested in providing a million dollar advance on such memoirs. Evidently violence is not enough without sex to interest a major publisher. Maybe Bush will try self-publishing.

Laura will probably be left to organize the packing. I would love to have a photo of the moving van backed up to the White House entrance. I do hope someone gets a good shot.

Charley Noble