The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94661   Message #2488956
Posted By: Jeri
09-Nov-08 - 08:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Serial Bully
Subject: RE: BS: The Serial Bully
There ARE cyber bullies, but they're less effective because they can't do physical damage, and there's no way for them to back a victim into a corner. A person can delete PMs and e-mails without reading them. A person being bullied in real life may fear for their jobs, their well-being or even their lives, while the most cyber bullying can accomplish (at least at Mudcat) is to piss off the victim and some spectators.

From what I've seen here, the victims frequently DO realize, and either ignore the bullies, try to reason with them or just bait them. The latter two just prolong the disruptive bullying for, say 1,380 posts (give or take). It makes me wish there were cyber duct tape. (That's gaffers' tape for all of you living in England... oops, my bad-- the U.K.)

It helps if they choose a victim nobody much likes or agrees with, because the chances someone will defend that person are slim. It also helps them if one or more moderators joins them and becomes one of the bullies. Then, they appear to be bullet proof.

Just want to say: I see you. I know what you are. I will remember what you do.