The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22775   Message #248965
Posted By: IvanB
29-Jun-00 - 12:58 AM
Thread Name: A Different Kind Of Death Chamber
Subject: RE: A Different Kind Of Death Chamber
Wow, this is a subject on which few of us are likely to change position very much. Like several here, I'm strongly pro-choice, but having had a wife who had an abortion prior to our marriage (not my present wife), I do know something of the emotional scars which can be left for years after. I'd like to believe that PBA is used only in cases where the mother's life or health are endangered and not as a late form of birth control. I'm not so naive as to think there aren't doctors and/or women who stretch the limits on this - I just hope they're in the vast minority. But in the end, I have to agree with Sorcha and moonchild, this is an intensely personal decision for any woman to have to make and it's not our place to second guess anyone's choice.