The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116060   Message #2489838
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
10-Nov-08 - 10:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rekindling Friendships
Subject: RE: BS: Rekindling Friendships
Hey, ebbie:

Well, that was weird. on my computer screen, the rest of my message appears as shown here. The rest of the post never made it.

This starts out, talking about the kinds of things that Earl would say:

In regard to your last letter, my answers to your questions are
no, yes, and occasionally.

I always got a laugh out of that, having no idea what questions I might have asked him.

The computer has been the mechanism that has rekindled our friendship. Somewhere along the line, Earl made peace with writing and keeps in touch regularly. Earl has become a different person than the eighteen year old kid I knew back in highschool. So have I. Or at least, I like to think so. Our friendship is very different now, and we rarely utter a sentence that begins with "Remember the time..." Instead of talking about the latest Bob and Ray program on the radio, or ribbing each other about the relative merits of the Cincinatti Reds and the Pittsburgh Pirates, we talk about what is happening in our lives on a more personal level. Our faith has become much more important to us than it was when we were eighteen.

I've only met Earl once since highschool, but I liked him even much more than when we were kids. Like wine, some people age well.
