The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116087   Message #2489854
Posted By: Donuel
10-Nov-08 - 10:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: getting a handle on perspective
Subject: BS: getting a handle on perspective
If Hawaii were devestated by a catastrophic volcanic eruption it is estiamted the cost of possible reconstrution would be 10 billion dollars.

The amount of money said to rebuild after Katrina was 24 to 50 billion dollars.

AIG just got another $40 billion dollars today.

If one were to look at a crate of a million dollars in one dollar bills to crates of a billion dollars and the 10 city blocks of crates it takes to hold a trillion dollars one gets a handle on perspective.

The biggest treasury robbery in history now stands at a trillion and change yet getting this in visual perspective is something that has still not been shown in stark reality.

There used to be the national debt clock. The debt clock has been shut down due to a lack of spaces in the trillion column.

Pie charts don't do if for me.

I need to see what I am expected to pay back in visual terms.
I need to see what what the fat cats got.

The PTB powers that be maight not want us to see, but if no one else is going to show us, we'll have to do it ourself.

maybe a video of driving past piles of cash? A highway of one hundred dollar bills one foot thick going X miles?

Have you seen something that gives a true comprehensible perspective on the money being taken and lost?