The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115727   Message #2489991
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
10-Nov-08 - 01:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
Subject: RE: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
When I hear the expression Middle England I try to replace it with Middle Earth . . . bugger someone's just said that. OK, I replace it with Surrey. Always works.
I've said this before (probably) but it's worth repeating: it's wholly moronic to blame the presenters who were just doing what they were paid to do (even if it is far too much). It's the breakdown of the BBC editorial process that needs fixing, before the entire concept of public service broadcasting and inhouse production is smashed up, sold off and lost for ever (or at least consigned to a foxy future).