The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115727   Message #2489996
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
10-Nov-08 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
Subject: RE: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
"All 30,000 people who contacted the BBC may not have been Daily Mail readers, but it's the paper which originally broke the story and encouraged people to contact the BBC."

Well, jolly good for them.

"Most Guardian readers wouldn't really be that bothered about Brand and Ross's little teapot tempest, IMHO"

Perhaps they should?

"...but they were out in force when it came to the anti-Iraq war protests. Along with the Mirror readers, of course."

So, does that mean that there is evidence that there were *no* Daily Mail readers out there protesting then?

Maybe we should just rejoice in men who talk of f*cking women, on our mainstream radio, on a Saturday morning, when children are tuned in.

OR, maybe we need to realise that we are fighting our own war, here in this country, for it's very survival, because the more we give in to loutish, oiky, sleazy, overtly sexual behaviour, on our TV screens, on our radio stations, and in our papers, all areas of our media..the more our children will think that it's all perfectly normal...

And just think what the children of the children who are right now having sex in this country, at just 12/13 years old, are going to accept as normal.

You see, I have this feeling that those who have had it in for the Daily Mail for such a long time, are actually far more bigotted, hysterical, judgemental and 'ist' than those who read the paper.

But, I could be wrong.

And by the way, I seem to recall that I was called 'middle class' for having been brought up in Pinner. At the time, the author of that had no idea that I was brought up in a house that was never owned by my father, as he couldn't afford to buy a house.

Strangely, not a single soul on here has mentioned that Lesley Douglas, all hail Mary and bow down, also lives in Pinner, but..unlike the home of my childhood, I'd imagine Lesley lives in the posher part of Pinner.

So, I live in Pinner and get slagged off for it. And er, Lesley Douglas lives in Pinner but is friend to a few on this board. Radio 2 is ruled, or rather was ruled, by Middle England then..and it's Middle England who've apparently not only Hired Brand and Ross, but Fired t'em too....

Confusin', huh?