The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22775   Message #249044
Posted By: The Shambles
29-Jun-00 - 06:00 AM
Thread Name: A Different Kind Of Death Chamber
Subject: RE: A Different Kind Of Death Chamber
Thanks to all who have contributed to this thread. I feel that the manner in which it has been conducted demonstrates the forum at it's very best. I have always believed that when the writer respects the reader and the reader respects the writer, it should be possible to discuss anything here. I do hope and request that those who have bravely told of their personal experiences, will continue to be shown that respect.

My thanks for bringing this subject from the back, to the front of my mind.

What has been fascinating is balance between the emotive questions and the informed comments and suggestions. I think that Gary T's wish that "I would rather there be minimal legal restrictions on abortion," is one I would share. Because something is legal does not make it right and making something illegal does not prevent it from happening.

This particular process would appear to be pretty extreme but does that that then make other forms of termination OK? Those that would make all terminations illegal, will understandably 'spin' this process to further their cause.

Life and denying life is about making personal decisions and living with the consequences. I would rather the legal definitions of when a life starts be reduced to medical guidelines. If the medical conditions are met, the decisions about whether to proceed should be left to those that have to live with that decision.