The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115727   Message #2490573
Posted By: Ruth Archer
11-Nov-08 - 05:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
Subject: RE: BS: Jonathon Woss off air!
"You said earlier on that you thought the show was extremely funny, although it shouldn't have mentioned any names."

I think you'll find it was Diane who said that the problem was with them naming names. What I actually said in my first post on the subject is that I wouldn't want anyone ringing my granny to tell her I'd shagged them, whether it was true or not, because she was a lovely old lady and she would find it very distressing. So no, I never defended the content of this particular show. Where we disagree is that I feel that Brand and Ross, both of whom sail very close to the wind at times, went too far on this occasion but that I generally find them both highly entertaining and think that the response to this particular incident has been disproportionate.

You cited the 30,000 people who have complained to the BBC. Funnily enough, I've just been invited to join a Facebook group in support of Ross and Brand. It has 54,000 members at present. Presumably that number will continue to rise. They've got petitions to the BBC, to the PCC (starting a witch-hunt against the Daily Mail), etc. There was always going to be a backlash, because people in the UK do value freedom of expression.

As someone who has consistently defended free speech, Lizzie, I'm actually surprised that what you appear to want here is censorship. Personally, I don't think that listening to Jonathan Ross is the reason why teenage girls get pregnant. All of these issues are about maintaining a sense of perspective.

The most offensive thing about Jonathan Ross, IMHO, is how much he gets paid. Yes, it's appalling by any standards.