The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22775   Message #249204
Posted By: mjm
29-Jun-00 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: A Different Kind Of Death Chamber
Subject: RE: A Different Kind Of Death Chamber
How do I say this. I am not an intellectual nor do I consider myself political....perhaps because I am too self-focused, extremely self-centered. I don't have the critical thinking skills to argue here on the same high level as others. Maybe this is a good time for me to back off and allow this to continue on in its own fashion. When I began this thread I was literally in a state of shock; I required information NOW and derived that from the fisrt web site offering info on the subject. My concern was/is about what is humane. In states which allow capital punishment, some use the means of lethal injection to terminate the life. I consider this to be humane as opposed to death by electrocution. If this medical prodcedure is at times medically necessary to ensure the health/life of the mother, then why is it not carried out in a manner which causes minimal amount of trauma to the the baby. To me, this practice is very much akin to death by electric shock. With modern medicine being what it is, I cannot comprehend why we use such bararic means. I do not see this issue as being shaded or grey or by any means complex. I cannot see how a ban on PBA would jeopardise a woman's legal right in the US to have an abortion. m