The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97495   Message #2492794
Posted By: Dave Hunt
13-Nov-08 - 11:06 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Tavistock
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Tavistock
Bob Cann was recorded singing 'Tavistock Goosey Fair' by John Howson and issued on the cassette 'Five Generations' issued by Veteran Tapes.VT110. (1988 - quite a while ago!) It also contails a ypoung Mark Bazeley - Bobs grandson - who continues to run the wonderful Dartmoor Folk Festival [[ which conveniently follows on from Sidmouth]

Veteran issue some of the very best recordings of traditional singers and musicians see: for a full listing

I have an idea that it was also recorded by Tony Rose, but can't put my hand on that one at the moment

I also have a recording of it on an old 78rpm record - sung by a Mr J.H Scotland (bass) [I think that should have been 'Bass' he sounds half-cut! - or maybe it's just his attempt at dialect - known in the trade as Mummersetshire!!]