The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22775   Message #249439
Posted By: katlaughing
29-Jun-00 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: A Different Kind Of Death Chamber
Subject: RE: A Different Kind Of Death Chamber
KFC, many people do choose life and muddle along, positive or not, raising the child or giving them up for adoption, which brings its own set of long-term problems.I think we just do not hear about them as much.

I can remember when I was 16 and rashly decided to be sexually active...birth control was NOT available to anyone under age without their parents' permission. Thus, many of us got pregnant. Abortions were legal in only a handful of states, so there were not a lot of options. I am grateful that I had my son at 17 and he has become a wonderful adult, BUT, I will always advocate easily available and affordable contraception and a woman's right to choose. Sometimes it just isn't all that black and white of an issue.

I agree with you, wholeheartedly, that people DO need to take that responsibility, BUT until birth control IS readily available AND affordable, we will have need for safe and legal abortions, preferably first trimester. I also agree that abortion should NOT be used as birth control, in multiple cases such as you mention, esp.

Although, I have a friend who had an abortion in her teen years, then, went on to have a son, marry later and when she became pregnant in the first year of that marriage, her husband demanded that she get an abortion, which she did. She also went on to have two wonderful children with him. I am happy to report that she finally got rid of the bastard (IMO) and is a much stronger woman now, than she was when he dominated her life.

Sometimes, we just don't know the whole story of what has brought a person to the point of abortion.

